• Prelude and Rut (2023), baritone saxophone

    Blue Boppin’ (2019), violin

    He’s Going through a Phunk Phase (2016), electric keyboard with looping

    Two Funk Etudes (2014), piano
    No. 3- Diggable Dirigible
    No. 4- Progenesis of a Groove

    Pastorale (2014), organ

    Two Funk Etudes (2011), piano
    No. 1- Hocket Rocket
    No. 2- Sassafras and Moonshine

    Echoes of the Blue Ridge (2007), piano

  • Quartet No. 1 (2008, rev. 2022), string quartet
    1. The Voyage
    2. The Fountain
    3. The Return

    $9 per Hour (2018), trio for violin, cello, and piano OR flute, violin, and piano

    American Vignettes (2016), piccolo and E-flat clarinet
    1. Three Scenes in the Life of an Opossum
    a.) All-Night Vigil
    b.) Hostis humani
    c.) A View to a Roadkill
    2. Turkey in the Straw

    Quartet No. 2 - Variations on a Theme from Sweet Sweetback's…
    (2016), saxophone quartet

    Narrative, Fugue, and Epilogue (2013), Pierrot ensemble + percussion

    Epitaph (2009), wind quintet

  • Leaves of Grass (2015), orchestra

    The Library (2014), orchestra

    Piano Concerto - Nocturne (2011), piano and chamber orchestra

    Behold, I Build an House (2010), fanfare for SATB choir, brass octet, and timpani

    Passacaglia (2009), orchestra

  • He’s Going through a Phunk Phase (2016), electric keyboard with looping

    Dentalized Fricatives (2015), voice (any) and electronics

    The Earth Receives a Breath of Fresh Air (2013), fixed media

    A Small, Good Thing (2012), fixed media / film score

  • Ḥer em Iteru (2017), soprano and piano OR flute, oboe, harp, violin, and cello
    1. Teśer ent Iteru
    2. Ankhȧ, Ankhes
    3. Em Aqah
    4. Meruḥu
    5. Maӽent ent Ra

    Dentalized Fricatives (2015), voice (any) and electronics

    Civil War Songs (2015), baritone and piano, text from Walt Whitman
    1. An Army Corps on the March
    2. As Toilsome I Wander'd Virginia's Woods
    3. Long, Too Long America

    Animals of the Afterlife (2014), SATB choir
    1. Those who Dwell in Nu are made Wolves and become Hyenas
    2. I am the Serpent
    3. I am the Crocodile

    Madeline Usher (2014), chamber opera for soprano, tenor, bass, and piano
    OR flute, B-flat clarinet, F horn, cello, and piano
    libretto adapted from Edgar Allan Poe
    Scene 1 - the Parlour
    Scene 2 - the Undercroft
    Scene 3 - the Bedroom

    Two Folk Songs (2012), SATB choir and bluegrass band

    Embarkation (2011), SATB choir

    Behold, I Build an House (2010), fanfare for SATB choir, brass octet, and timpani

    Parallel Canvas (2010), operetta for soprano, mezzo, tenor, bass, choir, and piano
    1. Tantivy
    2. The Garden of Earthly Delights
    3. Moloch and the Marionettes